Engineering Insurance
- Services We Provide
- Boiler & Pressure Vessels Insurance (BPV)
- Contractor's All Risks Insurance (CAR)
- Contractor's Plant & Machinery Insurance (CPM)
- Deterioration of Stock Insurance (DOS)
- Electronic Equipment Insurance (EEI)
- Erection All Risk Insurance (EAR)
- Machinery Breakdown Insurance (MBD)
- Cost of Insurance:
Cost of Insurance means the amount of money that the clients pay to buy their desired insurance. This cost of insurance includes Premium, VAT and Stamp Duty in common.
- Sample of premium calculation:
- Premium Rate:
Engineering premium rate depends on Risk Coverage and Nature of risk as well.
- Premium: Sum Insured (Insured Value) x
Premium Rate (Depends on mainly risk coverage) xxxxx
(+) VAT (Premium x 15%) xxxxx
(+) Stamp Duty (If Applicable) xxxxx
Total Payable Amount xxxxx