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Health Care & Hospitalization Insurance

What is Health Insurance Policy?

A health insurance policy is a contract between an individual (or a group) and an insurance company where the insurer agrees to cover some or all of the insured’s medical expenses in exchange for a premium (a regular payment). The policy helps to protect individuals/ groups from high healthcare costs by covering expenses like hospital stays, doctor visits, surgeries, medications and other medical services, depending on the policy’s coverage.

A health cover is essential as it covers hospitalization so that your hard-earned money stays secured. This policy assures you of the best medical treatment, without having to bother about the cost of the treatment or compromise on its quality. With Pragati Hospital Care plan, a new hospitalization and surgical benefit policy from Pragati Insurance, you can now plan and have full control in any medical eventuality. Whether you are an individual or a corporate, you are essentially looking for the same thing to take care of the people you value – either your family or your employees.

Individual Hospital Care Insurance Plan for Individuals and their dependent family members.
Group Hospital Care Insurance Plan for members of a group and their dependents.
•No restriction of choosing hospital/clinic to be treated in.
•No restriction of consultant by whom to be treated.
•Option of choosing from different benefit levels.
Hospital Accommodation
Consultation fee with physicians and surgeons
Major and Minor Surgical operation
Medical Investigations, Diagnostic Tests
Medicine & Accessories
Ancillary Services like Post- Operative Care, Intensive Care Facility, Blood Transfusion, Ambulance Services, and Oxygen Therapy etc.
A maternity benefit for pregnancy or childbirth is covered for the females when the membership has been in forced for at least six months under the health insurance plan.
A maternity benefit for pregnancy or childbirth is covered for the females when the membership has been in forced for at least six months under the health insurance plan.

No Claim Years

Discount (%)

One Year
Two Consecutive years
Three Consecutive years

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